If you are using a stand-alone desktop e-mail program like Mozilla Thunderbird, Mailbird, or an older program like Eudora or Microsoft Outlook (the second is not recommended), and you click on a mail link like this one, then the program should start running and let you send a message, filling in my address and the subject line.
In your message, please make note what you are inquiring about, i.e., Hawaii Five-O, Peter Gunn, Kojak, X-Files, etc.
If you click on the link above and it doesn't do this, you don't have a stand-alone program. You are most likely using a Web-based mail interface like Gmail, Hotmail, or Yahoo Mail, etc. Instead, click on the "Copy text" button below, then open up your mail program through one of the links in the previous sentence where it says Gmail, Hotmail or Yahoo Mail, create a new message and paste my address into the "To:" field
using Ctrl-V . Fill in the subject line, type your message and send it.If you're not using one of the three services above, then you will have to figure out how to open up the mail interface that you normally use, sorry.
When you are finished, return to this page (which you can probably do by holding down "Alt" and then clicking "Tab" until you get here) and then click the back button in your browser to return to the previous screen.